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how bat see in night? Is bat blind?

how bat see in night?
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Do you know bats don’t use their eyes to see what is in front of them? Though they are not blind, they don’t use their eyes at night. Then how bat see in night? And how does a bat fly at night without seeing? To know the answer keep reading today Askerweb will reveal the Scientific reason behind bats’ such behaviour.

how bat see in night?

  • Bats are nocturnal animals. They become very active at night. But they sleep during the day.
  • They can fly very fast in the dark forest without colliding with anything. How do bats look and fly at night? While flying, bats produce high frequency sound waves from their mouths. This high frequency wave is called ultrasonic sound waves. Its frequency is 1,000,000 Hz.
  • These ultrasonic sound of high frequency waves travel in straight lines. And if it is interrupted by an object, it is reflected back to the bat’s ear. Bats’ ears are sensitive to these sound waves. As a result, these sound waves help them to identify any obstacles in the way of flight. As a result, they move around at night avoiding obstacles. It’s called Ecolocation process. Animal who can use their entire (100%) brain, dolphin, also use this process in ocean. However other toothed whales locate food and other objects in the ocean through echolocation. As said above, they release short broad-spectrum burst pulse to initiate the process, however, this pulses seem to us just like ‘clicking a button’.
  • When flying at night, however, they take the help of the mouth and ears. Their eyes are used only to see insects or other prey.
how bat see in night
how bat see in night? Is bat blind? 3

Is bat really blind at night?

Absolutely not, the bat is not blind at all. Like other nocturnal animals bat also has very many photoreceptor cells in their eyes, that increase their ability to night vision. they obviously use their eyes during prey.

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