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Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between reptiles and birds

archaeopteryx is a connecting link between
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What was the first bird in the world? The first bird to exist on this earth was called Archeopteryx. archaeopteryx is a connecting link between reptiles and birds. To know more archaeopteryx connecting link and archaeopteryx pronunciation, stay tuned, Today Askerweb will tell you about the archaeopteryx link between reptiles and birds.

This bird, Archeopteryx lived on Earth about 140 million years ago. This bird, evolving from a reptile, looked exactly like a reptile.

archaeopteryx is a connecting link between
archaeopteryx is a connecting link between reptiles and birds

Why archaeopteryx is a connecting link between reptiles and birds, is called a bird?

It was not like the modern bird it had teeth and a long bony tail. Its head was placed on a long slender and most likely flexible neck to maintain balance. It had feathers instead of scales, so it was called a bird, not a reptile. The wings of the Archeopteryx were like those of a modern bird. It had bones on the inside and feathers on the outside. But that bird could not fly as much as today’s birds.

Its blood was slightly warm. For this reason, there are two different opinions about the origin of flight in space and the evolution of such intermediate creatures.

According to one theory, the first animals to fly in the sky were tree-dwelling reptiles that would jump from one branch of a tree to another or from a tree to the ground to escape from enemies or in search of food.

The second theory is that primitive reptiles are land-dwelling animals that move fast in self-defence. The origin of the winged arms or wings and tail helps them to slow down the windward movement and initially to fly in the air to increase its speed.

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