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How to make fire with water easily with explanation 5 ways?

How to make fire with water
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How to make fire with water?” If you want to know this Chemistry trick, you are in the perfect place at the perfect time. Today askerweb will let you know to make fire with water as a home-made easy Science project.

How to make fire with water
How to make fire with

We all know that with water we can extinguish the fire (Warm water is more fruitful than cold water to extinguish a fire, There is a very convincing reason why hot water is more effective to extinguish the fire), but you will definitely astonish if you come to know that we can create fire with water. To know “what chemical when mixed with water creates fire?” keep reading this article.

Source: King of Random

Materials of make fire with water:

  1. One tripod,
  2. wire net,
  3. asbestos board,
  4. dropper,
  5. spoon,
  6. aluminium powder,
  7. iodine crystal,

Process to light a fire with water:

  1. First, place the wire net on the tripod.
  2. Put the asbestos board on the wire net. please warm the wire net and the asbestos.
  3. Take one spoon of iodine crystal & one spoon of aluminum powder, and mix them.
  4. place the mixture on the asbestos & create a small hole in the middle of the asbestos with the spoon.
  5. Now with the dropper put some water into the hole.
  6. After some time you will see a fire created from the mixture.

Explanation How to make fire with water:

Probably you are thinking about why the water drops on the mixture of iodine & asbestos cause fire. Don’t worry, I’ll explain it in a simple way.

In this reaction, I2 is a catalyst. At the 1st step when Al3+ & I- emits, the created calories divide H2 & O2 from H2O. And on the other hand Al3+ and O2- cause Al2O3. This reaction is of very high temperature, which causes light. This reaction is one type of chain-reaction because the side-reactive substance HI continuously breaks & causes I2 to be free.

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