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How to make a silver tree in home easily with explanation

silver tree
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How to plant a silver tree in our house? Not a real tree obviously, today will let you know how to make a tree made with silver. Ornaments, Dishes, many home decorating things-there are so many things made of silver. Have you ever thought what was the excitement if we make a silver tree as an easy home-made Science project?

Silver Tree
Making of Silver Tree

The following materials & chemicals are needed to make the tree made of silver.

Materials of silver tree:

  1. Take a large test-tube,
  2. a test-tube stand,
  3. silver nitrate crystal,
  4. copper thread,
  5. distilled water.

Process of making a silver tree:

  1. First of all, make a small tree with copper wire,
  2. Two sides of the wire should be bound to the thin wood bar.
  3. Now pour 500mg silver nitrate crystal in the test tube, and add some water to it.
  4. Now keep the test tube vertically with the help of the stand.
  5. Now keep the cupper tree inside the solution of the test tube.
  6. After some hours, you can see the beautiful silver tree.


You may be thinking that how was the silver tree made? or why did the silver accumulate on the copper wire? Don,t worry, Here is the explanation. In the solution, copper from the copper wire oxidizes in the silver nitrate solution and silver ion becomes silver metal via deoxidation. And these silver atoms help to make the silver tree.

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